Course and Exam Info

E-mail your applications to Janine Gould

Intensive Mat-Plus – IMP
IMP provides you with the solid foundation and skills you need to develop effective and motivating group and personal training programs. This course teaches you to design and teach the Level 1 (Essential and Intermediate) Matwork repertoire, integrating light accessories to add variety and meet the specific needs of your clients. In addition to general course objectives, you will learn:

*Workout composition for personal and group training
*Essential, Intermediate, Power workouts
*Flex-Band, Fitness Circle and Arc Barrel workouts
*Effective communication and observational skills, verbal cueing and imagery for performance enhancement and client motivation
*Modifications for specific body types, postural issues and conditions
*How to incorporate resistance equipment to support and intensify exercises
*Theory and practice of postural analysis
*Exercise layering related to effective program design
*63 exercises plus multiple modifications

  • 40 hours instruction and supervised teaching
  • Minimum 10 hours observation
  • Minimum 30 hours physical review
  • Minimum 15 hours practice teaching
  • Conducted over 3 weekends
  • Total: 95 hours

Intensive Reformer – IR
This course teaches how to design and instruct Level 1 (Essential and Intermediate) Reformer workouts in personal or group training settings for a range of clients. While IR may be taken prior to IMP, we recommend completing IMP first. In addition to general course objectives, you will learn:

*Effective use of the reformer to enhance torso stability and strength, peripheral extremity conditioning, joint stability, flexibility, balance and coordination
*How to develop programs for personal and group classes
*Essential, Intermediate, Power workouts
*Effective communication and observational skills, verbal cueing and imagery for performance enhancement and client motivation
*Modifications for specific body types, postural issues and conditions
*Theory and practice of postural analysis
*Exercise layering related to effective program design
*122 exercises plus multiple modifications

  • 50 hours instruction and supervised teaching
  • Minimum 10 hours observation
  • Minimum 40 hours physical review
  • Minimum 25 hours practice teaching
  • Conducted over 3 weeks or 4 weekends
  • Total: 125 hours

Intensive Cadillac – ICAD
ICAD prepares you to teach Level 1 (Essential and Intermediate) exercises on the Cadillac. By the end of this course you will be able to fine-tune personal and circuit training programs to meet a variety of clients’ conditioning goals with 125 exercises on the Cadillac Trapeze Table.

  • 25 hours class instruction and supervised teaching
  • Minimum 10 hours observation
  • Minimum 15 hours physical review
  • Minimum 10 hours practice teaching
  • Total: 40 hours

Intensive Stability Chair – ICHR
ICHR prepares you to teach Level 1 (Essential and Intermediate) exercises on the Stability Chair. By the end of this course you will be able to fine-tune personal and circuit training programs to meet a variety of clients’ conditioning goals with 63 exercises on the Stability Chair.


  • 15 hours class instruction and supervised teaching
  • Minimum 5 hours observation
  • Minimum 10 hours physical review
  • Minimum 10 hours practice teaching
  • Total: 40 hours

Intensive Barrels – IBRL
IBRL prepares you to teach Level 1 (Essential and Intermediate) exercises on the Barrels. By the end of this course you will be able to fine-tune personal and circuit training programs to meet a variety of clients’ conditioning goals with 98 exercises on the Ladder Barrel, Spine Corrector and Arc Barrel.


  • 10 hours class instruction and supervised teaching
  • Minimum 5 hours observation
  • Minimum 10 hours physical review
  • Minimum 5 hours practice teaching
  • Total: 30 hours

Exam Info

How long do I have to complete my course examination?

  • Exams must be taken within six months of completing you last STOTT PILATES Education course.
  • If you choose to be examined at Level One (written and practical components only) and wish to upgrade to a Level Two certification at a later date (practical component only), there is a separate fee.
  • The practical component can be conducted in the presence of an Instructor Trainer at a STOTT PILATES Certification Center or can be submitted by videotape.

What must my score be?
  • You must receive an average score of 80% (practical and written) and achieve a minimum score of 75% on each portion in order to pass. Both of there requirements must be met in order to achieve certification.
  • The written and practical exam can be conducted over two day but MUST be taken within 7 days of one another.

What if my course finished longer then 6 months ago?
  • If you have failed to meet the six months requirement to complete your examination, you must complete private review hours with an Instructor trainer to reinstate you eligibility.

How long is the exam?
  • Time allotment:
    • Mat – 1 hour
    • Mat and Reformer – 1.5 hours
    • Mat, Reformer and Cadillac, Chair, and Barrels – 2 hours
  • The initial 5 to 10 minutes of the exam are dedicated to gathering pertinent information about your subject, posture analysis, and a general description of the planned workout.
  • The next 5 to 10 minutes are used to take your subject through the Basic Principles, in proper sequence, using clear imagery and movement cues to help the subject properly achieve biomechanical body awareness.
  • The remainder of the practical exam is dedicated to taking your subject through an appropriate workout. The fallowing areas will be evaluated:
    • Teaching manner and energy
    • Application of the basic principles to all exercises
    • Ability to cue
    • Ability to correct
    • Knowledge of the relevant repertoire of exercises
    • Exercise progression and rationale for the exercises chosen
    • Applying adaptations and modifications per individual as necessary
    • Rhythm and pace of the work out
    • During the practical exam expect to be questioned periodically on the exercises and your choices.
    • “Spot check” after working on each peace of equipment you will be asked to teach a few exercises of the examiners choosing to check your knowledge of the entire repertoire.

What do I need to know for my written exam?
  • The written exam consists of 50 multiple choices, 4 fill-in the blank or matching type questions, and 25 muscle identification questions. It will take you approximately 2-3 hours to complete the exam. However, you are not required to finish within a specified time limit.
  • The exam tests you on your knowledge of the following:
    • Muscle origin, insertion, action (please refer to the list of muscles in the Mat/Reformer Support Materials book)
    • Recognition of diagrams of individual muscles
    • Concentric, eccentric and isometric contractions of specific muscles during specific movement and exercises
    • Movements that make up exercises and their proper anatomical descriptions
    • Order of essential and intermediate Mat workout (Mat, Mat and Reformer,or Mat, Reformer, and CCB exam)
    • Order of essential and intermediate Reformer workout (Reformer, Mat and Reformer,or Mat, Reformer, and CCB exam)
    • Ideal postural alignment and groups of opposing muscles
    • Poor postural conditions and muscular imbalance
    • Modifications to exercises for poor postural alignment
    • Programs to accommodate poor postural alignments
    • Proper set up of equipment, starting positions, movement patterns, and major intent or goal for each exercise
    • Basic principles - anatomical description and purpose
***Proper anatomical terms must be understood and used in all the relevant categories above

Mock Written Exam

#1 How is STOTT PILATES different from the original Pilates method?

#2 What are the bony landmarks associate with neutral pelvis?

#3 What muscle contract when you imprint?

a) Glutes

b) Obliques

c) Transerves Abdominis

d) Quads

#4 The subscapularis is responsible for fixing the scapula against the chest wall

                                   True             False

#5 The hamstrings are made up of which groups of muscles

a) Semitendinosus, semimembranosus,biceps femoris

b) Semitendinosus, semimembranosus, rectus femoris

c) Biceps femoris, rectus femoris, quadrates femoris

d) Semitendinosus, quadrates femoris, vastus medius

#6 The lumbar spine has a concave curve posteriorly

                          True       False

#7 The abductors of the femur are located on what area of the hip

a) Lateral

b) Medial

c) Anterior

d) Posterior

#8 The iliopsoas, rectus femoris, TFL and the sartoris oppose the…

a) Adductors

b) Rotator cuff

c) Hip extensors

d) Plantar flexors

#9 When the origin fixed the latissimus dorsi medially rotates, adducts and extends the humerus

                                          True     False

#10 Exhalation helps facilitate a deeper contraction of the abdominal muscles

                                         True       False

#11 The quadrates lumborum assists in extension and laterally flexes the lumbar spine

                                        True       False

#12 Which muscle(s) below abduct the hip joint?

a) Sartorius

b) TFL

c) Gluteus medius

d) Gluteus minimus

#13 To flex the hip joint you use…

a) Quadrates femoris

b) Iliacus

c) Piriformis

d) Vastus intermedius

e) Psoas major

#14 When the pelvis tilts posteriorly, the lumbar spine...

a) Extends

b) Flattens

c) Arches

d) Hyperextends

#15 At the essential mat level the most important thing to focus on is the choreography of the movement.

                                                  True     False

#16 Once strength has been developed through the abdominals to stabilize, a neutral pelvic placement can be maintained in an open kinetic chain.

                                                  True        False

#17 During scapular stabilization, emphasis is placed on the following muscles(s)

a) Upper Trapezius

b) Pec Minor

c) Serratus Anterior

d) Lower Trapezius

#18 Upward rotation of the scapula is when the inferior angle slides away from the spine.

                                              True      False

#19 Which postural reason (s) may encourage a pad under the head for supine exercises

a) Head forward posture

b) Cervical hyperextension

c) Kyphosis is present

d) Protracted scapula

#20 What is the origin of the Biceps Femoris?

a) Lateral superior 1/3 of femur

b) Ischial Tuberosity

c) Posterior Superior Iliac Spine

d) Coracoid Process